5.4. Rock Import Implementation

Importing Rock RMS into ManagedMissions

Instructions in Google Docs

Enabling Rock in Managed Missions:

To start importing Rock into ManagesMissions, you will first need to enable Rock in ManagedMissions. ManagedMissions charges and additional $10/month for the support of the Rock integrations. You can add Rock to your monthly ManagedMissions subscription by going to Account Admin → Change Current Plan → select Rock RMS and update your plan.

Once your account is upgraded, you can access the Rock RMS integrations options under Integrations → Rock

Rock Setup:

Set up your Rock Rest Key by following these directions:

Rock Rest Key Setup


Add Rock Rest Key to ManagedMissions:

In ManagedMissions, return to Account Admin → Integrations → Rock RMS.  Click on the button that says “Connect with Rock RMS”.

Enter your Rock URL as well as the Rock Rest key that was just created. Click Connect.  Once your Rock environment is successfully connected, you will see an import screen appear here.  This is where you will run Rock imports to pull your information from Rock to ManagedMissions.


Configure Rock Settings in ManagedMissions:

Once your Rock environment is connected to ManagedMissions, the first thing you will need to do is configure some Rock settings inside ManagedMissions.  To do this, click on the green “Configure Rock Settings” button.

When configuring your Rock settings, it’s important to select the parent groups that ManagedMissions should look for your mission trips to match with. Additionally, you can tell ManagedMissions which groups to ignore. Doing this will both improve the matching accuracy as well as lower the amount of time it takes to complete an import.


Run an Import:

Once your settings are configured, you can run your first import.  Click on the blue “Run Rock Import” button in the upper right. When clicking the button, you will be prompted to enter an email address that will be notified when the import is complete.

Once the import is complete, you will find an entry on the import table for the completed import. There are two buttons on the left side of the import - the “play” triangle will rerun the import with the same parameters as the original import.  The “...” button will take you to the results of the import.

The import details will show success and errors for all Groups (trips), Team Members, Donors and Contributions. If there was an error related to the import, there will be a yellow “!” or hazard symbol indicating an error with that specific item.


Resolving Errors:

Sometimes (most specifically in the beginning) there will be errors when a sync is completed. One of the most common errors is when a trip is not able to be matched to a group from Rock. Other common errors are when team member duplicates are present.  The same is true for donors and contributions. The import will flag these issues and display them in the sync so that they can be resolved.

If a trip was unable to be matched to a Rock Group, you will be given the option to match that trip inside the import results. Here is an example of what that looks like: 

If the Rock Group doesn’t belong in ManagedMissions or it is a group that you don’t want to have synced with ManagedMissions, you can choose to Ignore Group.

For team member, donor and contribution errors, an error message will be displayed when you mouse over the error notification.  Here is an example:

In the case of the error above, once the group is successfully matched, the team members will either match or be created and added to the trip. If there is a duplicate error, then our suggestion is to check for duplicates in Rock before importing again.  If you find that duplicate team members have already been imported, a Team Member Merge can be completed in ManagedMissions to resolve the duplicate.


For any other questions related to the integration with Rock to ManagedMissions, please contact us at hey@managedmissions.com


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