1.1. SignNow and E-Signature Setup

Connecting SignNow and ManagedMissions


Before starting to use the E-Signature feature from ManagedMissions it is required to set up a SignNow account. Login to app.managedmissions.com and follow the next steps:


Step 1. Click Account Admin from left menu (fig.1):

Text Box: Figure 1 Main Menu Option






Step 2. Select “E-Signature” option under Account Settings (fig.2):

Figure 2: Account Admin Option




Step 3. Click the button “Connect with SignNow” to continue the authorization process (fig.3)

Figure 3 Connect with SignNow


Step 4. Fill out the form adding the SignNow administrator email address and password (fig.4):

Figure 4: SignNow login page


Step 5. Click the button “Grant access to SignNow” to continue (fig.5):

Figure 5: Grant access


Step 6. The “Default Template Folder” displays the template and the shared folders configured in your SignNow account (fig.6). 

To know more about how to configure this option in SignNow please visit the section below on Templates. 

Figure 6: SignNow account successfully connected



E-Signature Integration - Templates


Once you connect SignNow with ManagedMissions the system displays a view where you can do some actions over the templates such as: upload, delete, download and a link to edit the template in the SignNow editor.

Figure 7: Edit templates

Upload a Template

The system provides the ability to upload templates files to SignNow through ManagedMissions:

Step 1. Select and save the “Default Template Folder”

Before uploading a template to SignNow, choose the “Default Template Folder” and click on “Save” button (fig.8):

Figure 8: Default template folder


Step 2. Upload a New Document for E-Signature

Once you have selected the template folder, you are now ready to upload a new template document by clicking the “Upload a New Document for E-Signature (fig.9). 

Figure 9: Upload a new document for E-Signature

Choose the document to upload and click the “Add” button (fig.10) to start the uploading process. 

Figure 10: Upload a new document for E-Signature

Please be aware that the allowed extensions are: .docx, .doc, .pdf, .png, .jpg or .jpeg. The system displays an error message if you try to upload a document with a different extension (fig.11)


Figure 11: Error message, invalid document format

Step 3. Edit in SignNow (optional)

After the uploading process completes a dialog box is displayed with a preview of the document (fig.12). 

Figure 12: Document preview


To add fields to the document you can click the button “Edit in SignNow”, this open in a new tab the uploaded template in the SignNow editor (fig.13):


Figure 13: SignNow fields editor


Delete a Template

The SignNow templates can be deleted using ManagedMissions. Please follow next steps to delete a template document:

Step 1. Expand the menu

Select the menu on the right side of the chosen template to delete (the 3 dots “…”). Click to expand the options (fig.14):

Figure 14: Menu expanded

Step 2. Delete

The system will pop up a confirm dialog (fig.15) or the system could let you know if the selected template is associated with a task (fig.16):


Figure 15: Confirm delete dialog

Figure 16: Confirm delete template dialog sample with a task associated



SignNow’s shared Templates

The shared templates from SignNow easily distribute documents to members. If you want to know more about how setup this feature into your SignNow account please visit this link: https://www.signnow.com/features/manage-shared-templates

All the shared templates in SignNow (fig. 17) are listed in ManagedMissions (fig.18):


Figure 17: SignNow Shared Templates folder




Figure 18:  The SignNow shared folders are displayed in the “Default Template Folder”


Create E-Signature Task

Once your SignNow is connected to ManagedMissions they system will be configured to create “E-Signature” tasks.

Follow the next steps to create an E-Signature task:

Step 1. Select “Tasks & Goals”

Choose the mission trip to create a new task and select “Tasks & Goals” option from the left menu (fig.19):

Figure 19: Task and goals

Step 2. Choose E-Signature Task

Choose “E-Signature” from Task Type and select the template from the “List of Templates” list box. Click the “Save” button to continue (fig.20):

Figure 20: E-Signature task

Step 3. Team Member Document: Pending Status

The system redirects to a new page with the information related to the E-Signature task created. Initially, the statuses of all documents for each team member are “Pending” statuses (fig.21).


Figure 21: Pending status

Step 4. Team Member Document: Sent Status

When the system completes the email sending process for each team member the status changes from “Pending” to “Sent”. Please be aware this process can take up to five minutes (fig. 22):


Figure 22: Sent status

Step 5. Menu Option

A menu option is displayed for each team member for document to be signed. This menu allows for the ability to cancel or resend the invite (fig.23).

Figure 23: Menu Option


Step 6. Team Member Invitation

Each team member receives and email with the information to open the SignNow invite (fig.24):


Figure 24: Email Sample


Step 6. Team Member Open Invite

The “Open Invite” shows up as copy of the template in the SignNow editor for signing (fig.25):


Figure 25: SignNow editor


Step 6. Team Member Document: Completed Status

When a document is signed the system will change the status of the document from “Sent” to “Completed” (fig.26):


Figure 26: Completed status