5.2. 2.2 Church Community Builder Integration

Connecting Church Community Builder and ManagedMissions

 Go to Account Admin > Integrations > Church Community Builder. Once there you will be prompted to upgrade your account to include this feature. The cost to upgrade to the Church Community Builder integration is an additional $10/month

1.   Create a new API user in CCB

Click on the gear button in the top right corner of Church Community Builder when logged in and then go to the API button



2.    Click on the "Add new API user" button and fill out all the requested information. Save the information


3.   Edit the API user created and select “Services Tab”. Select the next services and click on Save button

4.   Copy the API URL from the summary screen of the API section in Church Community Builder Site

5.   In ManagedMissions fill in the API URL, API username and password and click on “Connect Church Community Builder”:

On success Connect you should be able to see this screen. If you have troubles during the setup process, please contact us.