1.1. Overview

 The Fundraising Tab is a great place to start managing your team's financial responsibilities.


The first thing you should do is set the amount your team members need to raise by clicking Edit Goal per Person under the Related Options on the right side of the screen. We'll cover how to set team member specific fundraising exceptions later in this guide.

Let's take a quick look at some of the features of the Fundraising Tab:

  1. This is the sum of all contributions assigned to a team but not to any specific team member. Click the amount to see a detailed list of these contributions.
  2. This is a sum of the contributions raised by this team member
  3. This is the amount this specific team member needs to raise.
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the amount this team member needs to raise
  5. Click the Options menu to view this team member's contributions or send them an email.

Icon Legend

= A Fundraising Exception has been configured for this team member

= A member budget has been configured for this team member

= A Public Profile has been configured by this team member

= This is a non-traveling team member. Non-traveling team members are non fundraising team members.